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J-EIH20 Emergency Alarm Button
Product Overview:

The J-EIH20 emergency alarm button (alarm button for short) is an internal battery-powered family wireless annunciator. When elderly persons, children or other vulnerable persons have emergencies at home ,and need help from outside, press the button to trigger the alarm signal so that the alarm status information can be sent to the  mobile phone through the intelligent gateway.

The alarm button adopts one-button operation which can be installed in a fixed position or carried around. It has the advantages of stable work, innovative design, attractive appearance, simplely portable without testing. It can be widely used in families and nursing families, welfare families, hospitals and other places for emergency monitoring.

Working voltage: DC3V (1 CR2450 battery)

standby current:≤4uA

Alarm current:≤18mA

Battery life:More than three years (normal work)

Ambient temperature :-10°C-+55°C

Relative humidity:≤95% RH (no condensation)

Indicators : Red: alarm ;

                 Green: communication;

Yellow:f ault;

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