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JTQ-BM-EIH68TL Standalone Gas Detector (Voice Version)
Product Overview:

The sensor adopts a heated-semiconductor gas transducer whose surface resistance varies with the concentration of the gas detected. 

The processor collects the sensor output voltage in real time and compares it with the threshold of alarm. 

When the collection value is greater than the set value, the detector alarms, the alarm indicator turns on with alarm voice prompts, and outputs high level signals to control the valve action.

Working voltage : AC220V ± 1015%

Power consumption : <3W

Detection gas : natural gas (methane)

Alarm concentration: 8% LEL

Classification: indoor type, non-explosion-proof type

Indicators: Green:power   Yellow:Fault  Red:alarm

Speaker:Fault voice prompts and alarm voice prompts

Alarm output :Provides a set of passive output signals to drive the solenoid valve.

Ambient temperature:-2°C-+57°C

Relative humidity:≤ 95% RH(no condensation)

Service life: 5 years (in normal work)

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